Frequently Asked Questions

Abandoned Vehicles

What can I do if I see a car parked in my neighborhood which I think may be abandoned?

The City of Salinas has people specifically designated to handle abandoned vehicles and long-term parking problems. Complaints are normally handles in a timelier manner if you elect to use the Salinas Connect App to report the vehicle. Utilization of the Salinas Connect App automatically documents the complaint allowing our Abandoned Vehicle Abatement team to respond directly to the location. If you still wish to leave a voicemail regarding the abandoned vehicle, you may do so by calling (831) 758-7316.

The following information will help you determine whether or not a vehicle has been abandoned or is a long-term parking problem:

  • Salinas Municipal Code – Section 20-49(a) and (b) prohibits any vehicle from being parked upon any street or alley for more than 72 hours (3 days). In the event a vehicle is parked in excess of this time period, the police department is authorized to issue a citation and/or remove such vehicle from the street.
  • When you report an abandoned vehicle to the Salinas Police Department, our personnel will respond and mark the vehicle as soon as possible. After 72 consecutive hours, the vehicle will be checked again. If the vehicle has not been moved, it will be removed as soon as possible.
  • Any vehicle parked on a City street or on public property must be currently registered and in working condition.
  • California Vehicle Code section 22669(d) prohibits an vehicle from being parked on the street or other public property with a major component missing. Major components include the engine, radiator, wheel(s), tire(s), window(s), door(s), etc. These vehicles will be towed as soon as possible.

We suggest residents park their personal vehicles in their garage or driveway if possible. If not, we encourage people to park in front of their own residence in an effort to be good neighbors.

My car is broken down. Can I park it on my property for a few weeks until I get it fixed?

Salinas Municipal Code – Section 37-50.190(b)(2)(c) prohibits inoperable vehicles from being parked or stored on private property. A vehicle is considered inoperable if it is missing any major component, partially dismantled, or not registered through DMV for running conditions on public street. Inoperable vehicles may be stored inside a garage on a temporary basis. The City of Salinas Code Enforcement Section, (831) 758-7157, regulates these types of vehicles on private property.

Loud Party Complaints

What can I do if there is a loud party in my neighborhood?

If someone is having a loud party in your neighborhood you may call the Police Department for assistance. When deciding whether to call the police you must also decide whether the noise is at a level that your peace is being disturbed. If it is, you next need to decide whether you would be willing to press formal charges in order to get the noise to stop or be turned down to a tolerable level.

Most often, the mere fact that you are willing to press charges will help us to solve the problem so that no actual charges need be pressed. If you decide to call the police, use the non-emergency number, (831) 758-7321, and not 911. When you call the police you will be asked several things. In addition to getting your name, address and telephone number the person you talk to will also ask you if you are willing to press charges or if you are willing to speak with an officer directly.

We recommend that you provide the dispatcher with your name, address and telephone number even if you do not want to press charges or be contacted. This will help us if other calls are received about the same party.

Do not call the anonymous tip line or use the "contact us" page to make a complaint.

What if I do not want to give my name and address?

If you do not want to give your name and address you may still call the police and report the noise. The officer who is assigned to the nearby area will be told that a person has called about the noise. Depending on other calls for service, the officer may make an attempt to drive by the party and, if necessary, warn the party giver that a complaint was received. It may be difficult for the officers to quiet the party since the officer has no way of ordering the party giver to turn down the music or face arrest or a citation. The officer may try to quiet the party by enforcing other laws at or near the party such as, drinking in public, curfew, etc. If the party continues, or you decide that you are willing to press charges in order to quiet the party, you may call back and tell the dispatcher that you are willing to do so.

What laws are being broken if I give a loud party and refuse to lower or stop the noise?

There are several laws that may be broken if you are responsible for giving a party that is too loud. The California Penal Code (415.2) states that it is illegal to maliciously and willfully disturb another person by loud and unreasonable noise.

The Salinas Municipal Code states that it is illegal to use any sound equipment between the hours of 10:00 p.m.. and 7:00 a.m., or at any time when it is unreasonably loud. It is also a violation of the Salinas City Code (5-11.03) to willfully make any loud, unnecessary, or unusual noise which disturbs the peace or quiet of any neighborhood. You could be issued a citation or be subject to arrest for a violation of either of these codes.

Property & Evidence

Contact Information

Salinas Police Department Property & Evidence
310 Murphy Street
Salinas, CA. 93901


Google Map Location

What is the Property & Evidence hours of operation?

Monday through Friday from 09:00 a.m. to 02:30 p.m.

Closed for City of Salinas recognized Holidays.

How do I retrieve my property from the Salinas Police Department?

You may call us at (831) 758-7394 during normal business hours, if after hours please leave a message. Please provide us with your full name, date of birth, Salinas Police Department case number (if known), and a description of the item or items you are trying to retrieve.

Do I need an appointment before I can claim my property?

Yes, property returns are by appointment only. Appointments are available Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 09:00 a.m. to 02:30 p.m.

I turned in found property, when can I claim it?

Any item turned in to the Salinas police Department as found property must be held for 90 Days while attempts are made to locate the owner. If the item has not been claimed after 90 days, it can be released to the finder under certain circumstances. (Firearms or weapons CANNOT be released to the finder.)

How can I get my property that was taken for safekeeping?

Safekeeping property (not Firearms or ammunition) cannot be released without first making an appointment with the Property & Evidence Unit. You must call (831) 758-7394. Safekeeping property will be held for 90 days. After 90 days the property will be disposed of.

How do I get property that was evidence from a court case?

Felony Arrest Cases: Evidence cannot be released until 60 days after the date of sentencing. Misdemeanor Arrest Cases: Evidence cannot be released until 30 days after the date of sentencing. ** All individuals who faced charges in a criminal case must be sentenced before Evidence items can be released.

If I’m unable to pick up my property, can I send someone to pick it up?

You will need a notarized letter of authorization before someone else can pick up your property. The authorized letter must have the name of the person picking up the property. The person picking up your property must bring a valid government issued picture ID. The following form can be downloaded, printed, and used for this purpose: Notarized Property and Evidence Release Form . This process does not apply to firearms. For further information regarding Firearm releases, please contact us at (831)758-7394.

What forms of identification are acceptable to pick up property?

Valid Identification must be presented for release of property, i.e. Valid Driver’s License from any state, Valid Identification card from any state, Valid Passport, Matricula Card or similar from any country, Valid United States Military Identification, etc…

Is the process for retrieving firearms different from other types of property?

If you are attempting to claim a firearm(s), ammunition, and/or ammunition feeding devices, you must first obtain a clearance letter from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) PC 33850. Beginning December 1, 2021 applicants must electronically submit a Law Enforcement Release (LER) application via the California Firearms Application Reporting System (CFARS). The clearance letter, confirming that you can legally possess a firearm, is valid for 30 days. You must make an appointment to retrieve your firearm before the letter expires. You must also bring a firearm lock or locking case for transportation. Ammo is not released at the same time as guns. For more information please visit the DOJ website here.

Request a Report

Reports will only be released to person(s) of an incident or an authorized representative of the person(s). If you are an attorney representing the party involved, the request must include a letter of authorization from the client.

When submitting your request, you will receive a confirmation email. When the report is available, you will be directed to a link where you may retrieve and pay for your report. You may submit your request here.

Should you have further questions or have not received an email regarding your request, contact our Records Department at (831) 758-7090, option 2 for Police Services Group.

Traffic/Parking Citations

How do I contest a parking citation?

You may request an Administrative Review by downloading and completing the Parking Violation Dispute form here(PDF, 6MB) .

How much time do I have to contest a citation?

Payment or an administrative review is required within 21 days or further penalties will be assessed. If you fail to request a review or pay the citation as directed, vehicle registration will be withheld.

How do I obtain a copy of a citation?

You may obtain a copy by calling (831) 758-7349. If no one is available to answer your call, please leave your name, phone number, and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

What information is needed to obtain a copy of a citation?

  • Name and Date of Birth
  • Date of Violation
  • Vehicle Plate or Vehicle Identification Number
  • Citation number, located on your paperwork

Payment Options:

Pay online at

Pay by mail by sending the proper amount of penalty. Check and/or money order is accepted. Do not send cash. Enclose the notice of parking violation with your payment and/or proof of correction(s). Write your citation number on your payment.

Mail to:


City of Salinas
Citation Processing Center
P.O. Box 10479
Newport Beach, CA 92658-5016


U-Visa Report Request

Should you need to request a copy of a report for U-Visas purposes, please follow the instructions below.

All documents must be submitted by mail only. You must provide the following, the applicants picture ID, consent to release form, the report number, date of crime and type of crime. Should you have further questions please contact the Records Coordinator, Bianca Navarro-Raya at (831) 758-7414 or via email.

Mail your request to:

Salinas Police Department
Attn: Bianca Navarro-Raya

312 E. Alisal St.
Salinas, CA 93901

Alcohol Regulations

Can I drink alcohol while walking down a City street in Salinas?

No, it is illegal to drink any beverage that contains alcohol while on public property. The Salinas Municipal Code Section (21-2) states that, “No person shall drink any beer, wine or other intoxicating beverage on any public street, sidewalk, alley, highway, plaza parkway, parking lot, airport terminal, or bus or train depot in the City.” If you are found by an officer in violation of this ordinance you are subject to a citation and a fine.

I am planning a picnic at a City park. Is it legal to have alcoholic beverages present?

It depends on the location. The Salinas Municipal Code Section (21-2) makes it illegal to possess alcohol in any city park except the following:

If a permit is obtained through the Recreation-Park Department alcohol may be consumed at the Salinas Rodeo Grounds, Salinas Municipal Stadium, Sherwood Hall and Park.

Alcohol may also be consumed at other city recreational buildings or facilities if allowed by the operating permit or policies for the use of the building or facility.

If you decide to obtain a permit from the Recreation-Park Department then you may also be required to obtain a permit from the California Alcohol and Beverage Control Department and the California State Franchise Board depending on the circumstances.

If you are contacted by an officer in a city park and you are found to be in violation of the ordinance you are subject to a citation and fine.

I would like to have a party at my house and serve alcohol. Is this legal?

Again, the answer to this question is that it depends on the circumstances. If you are over 21 years old and have a party that does not require an admission fee and minors under the age of 21 years old are not allowed to drink alcohol than it is legal. However, if you charge a fee for the alcohol or an entrance fee you are required to obtain permits issued by the City of Salinas and the State of California. If you allow minors, under the age of 21, to consume any alcohol at a party, or other social gathering, you are subject to an arrest or citation for a variety of charges including; contributing to the delinquency of minors, furnishing alcohol to minors and hosting a social gathering where alcohol is possessed by minors.

Is it legal for a minor to drink a beer inside a friend’s house?

No. The Salinas Municipal Code Section (21-1) states that, “No person under the age of 21 years shall have in his or her possession, or consume, any alcoholic beverage at an place not open to the public.” Also, it is a violation the California Business and Professions Code, 25662(a) for a minor, under the age of 21, to possess any alcoholic beverage in any place open to the public. There are also specific violations of the California Vehicle Code for possession of alcohol in a motor vehicle.

Barking Dog Complaints

Is there anything I can do if there is a barking dog disturbing my neighborhood?

The Salinas Municipal Code 5-12.02 states it shall be unlawful for any person to willfully or negligently make or continue, or cause to be made or continued, or permit or allow to be made or continued any noise which disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or which causes any discomfort or annoyance to a reasonable person of normal sensitivity in the area.

If speaking to your neighbor doesn’t help, call Animal Services at (831) 769-8850. We will ask you to provide your information for our records only. Animal Services no longer accepts anonymous complaints.

What can I do to keep my dog from barking and disturbing my neighbors?

Barking is your dog’s way of sending you a distress signal. Somewhere his needs as an animal are not being met. Most times, excessive barking is caused by the dog being lonely, bored, frustrated or frightened. Are you walking with him every day, which exercises his body and his mind? Is he living a balanced life? If nuisance barking is a problem, consider these issues to find a solution. It’s the best way to show real love for your dog. A well-exercised, happy dog is more likely to sleep all day while you are not home.

For more information please visit the Hitchcock Road Animal Services or the City of Salinas Animal Services websites.

Suspicious People/Cars

What should I do if I see a strange person or car loitering in my neighborhood?

Having residents report strange, suspicious or out of place activity in their neighborhoods is essential to locating identifying and stopping criminal activity. There may be a reasonable and legal explanation for the person’s presence and actions. However, if the person’s actions are enough to raise your suspicion there is probably a good reason to take further action.

There are several things that you can do to help us in these cases. The most important thing to remember is to not put yourself at danger by taking action yourself. The best thing you can do is watch the person, car and activity and note a full description of all three.

When you call the police you may use either the Emergency, 911, line or the non-emergency number, (831) 758-7321 depending on the circumstances. If the person or activity appears to you to be an immediate threat to someone or something you can call 911. If the person, car or activity just appears suspicious or out of place use the non emergency, direct line, (831) 758-7321.

When you call be prepared to give the dispatcher your name, address, phone number and a description of the people and cars involved. The dispatcher may want to keep you on the telephone while an officer or officers are dispatched. This will enable the dispatcher to update the officers who are responding.

If the dispatcher does not stay on the telephone be sure to call back and update the dispatcher if the person or car leaves or something happens that indicates what exactly is occurring. If the person does leave make sure you are able to provide the dispatcher a direction of travel.

Remember, the suspicious activity that you witness may be totally innocent and explainable, however without taking the time to call and report the activity there may be no way of telling if it is, or if it is criminal activity that warrants police action.

Should I call the police to report a door to door salesperson?

Door to door solicitors fall into two categories. The first are those with nonprofit groups, such as youth groups or churches. These individuals carry identification and some documentation showing what group they are with. Door to door sales people should have a City business license and identification. The Salinas Municipal Code regulates solicitors by prohibiting them from littering, knocking on doors after 9:00 p.m. and other things.

If someone comes to your door you may want to request identification and other documents If they are unable or unwilling to provide any documents you should immediately be wary of them.

If you feel that their actions are suspicious, or disturbing your peace, you may call the police in the same manner as listed above. Make sure that you note the direction the individual is walking and provide it to the dispatcher.

Assembly Bill 481/Ley de Asamblea 481 - Public Questions/Pregunta(s), Comments/Comentario(s), Concerns/Preocupación(es)

No Questions submitted as of 8/4/22

Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA)

For more information visit here.