Measure G Oversight Committee

As set forth in Section 32-94 of the Measure G ordinance, the “Measure G Oversight Committee” has the following attributes and responsibilities:

  • The Committee consists of no fewer than seven members of the public (one member selected by each Council member with the initial Committee appointed by the Council by March 31, 2015);
  • The Committee members shall be either city residents or representatives of businesses located in Salinas;
  • The Committee receives and by May 30 of each year is responsible for reviewing the City auditor’s report and based on their review of the auditor’s report is responsible for issuing a public report to the City Council on the receipt of revenue and expenditure of Measure G funds and such other matters the City Council may assign.

Measure G Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024 Budget

The City of Salinas City Council approved the attached Measure G Budget for FY 2023 - 2024 on June 13, 2023. 

Measure G Budget FY 23-24(PDF, 1007KB)

Measure G History

Voter Approval of Measure G

On March 25, 2014, the City Council reviewed the results of the community outreach, received further public comment, and directed staff to prepare a resolution calling for an election to ask voters of the City of Salinas to increase the general transactions and use tax by one cent, with a fifteen year sunset, and with citizens’ oversight.

On June 24, 2014, the City Council held a noticed public hearing to consider calling a municipal election to seek voter approval of a proposed general transactions and use tax (or “sales tax”). At the conclusion of that hearing, the City Council decided to call an election to ask voters of the City to approve a local transactions and use tax for 15 years, the revenue from which would be used to support general municipal services.

On November 4, 2014, the voters of Salinas approved Measure G, an ordinance imposing a one-cent general transactions and use tax. Measure G has a fifteen-year term and requires the City Council to establish an Oversight Committee.

Measure G was premised upon and was presented to the voters as an opportunity to restore services to the community; to provide for a “safer, better Salinas.” Consistent with that purpose, the following question was presented to the voters:

“To improve our quality of life, maintain and enhance city services and facilities, including: crime and gang prevention; neighborhood policing and school safety; safety inspections; police, fire and paramedic response; fixing potholes, streets, and sidewalks; recreation and programs for youth and seniors; and other city services, shall the City of Salinas enact a one cent sales tax, that can’t be taken by the State, with citizens’ oversight, annual independent audits, with all funds dedicated to Salinas?”