Trees make a difference in your life...and in our city!
Did you know that the presence of street trees increases your property value? Well, they do that, and much more. Trees reduce traffic speeds, create a sense of community, improve one’s well-being and clean the air we breath. For more information on the many benefits trees provide, check out Why Trees Matter on the Resources Tab. If trees make a difference in our life, how many trees are needed to improve our city?
Tree canopy coverage--the percent of land under trees--is one way to determine a city's health. It is recommended that a healthy city have a tree canopy coverage of 25%. Perhaps not so coincidentally, 25% is also the U.S. national average for city tree canopy coverage. In stark contrast, Salinas' tree canopy coverage is less than 1/3 of that standard--less than 8%. With the severe storm of 2017 and other challenges confronting our forest, Salinas' tree coverage is dropping. Challenges are there to be sure, and City is rising to meet them. To redirect tree canopy scale upward towards the City's 25% goal, Salinas will be planting more trees. And your help is needed! If you are a Salinas resident (renter or owner) you can apply to "Adopt-A-Tree". Adoption is easy: the City of Salinas will purchase and plant a tree in the parkway at your house (the area between the sidewalk and street), if you agree to water your tree until it is safely established. For more information about tree watering, take a look at the short video linked on the right of this page. Normally trees are established after three years of care. Interested? To apply, see the "Free Tree--Adopt A Tree Program form below on this page. To grow its urban tree canopy from 8% to 25%, Salinas will need to plant a whole lot of trees. Many cities are already doing this. For example, the City of San Jose has a goal to plant 100,000 trees to cool and green their community. You can increase your property value and make Salinas a better place to live by "Adopting a Tree". Let's get to it!