Fire Stations

Fire Station 1 

Located at 216 West Alisal Street, Fire Station 1 is the busiest fire station in the city and was constructed in 1982. The daily staffing includes a three-person Advanced Life Support (ALS) engine company, an OES engine, a four-person truck company, and the on-duty Battalion Chief. This station houses one reserve fire engine and a reserve fire truck as well. 

Fun Facts: 

  • The Salinas City Fire Station opened in 1874 and it was located on 22 E Gablian Street
  • In 1982, Fire Station 1 moved into 216 W Alisal St
  • In 2023, crews from this station responded to 5,317 calls for services 
  • This station is home to the maintenance division and the only station in the city that has fire poles 
  Fire Station1 abc


Fire Station 2 

Opened in 1951 at 10 West Laurel Drive, Fire Station 2 houses a three-person paramedic ALS engine company and protects the north central area of town. Station 2 also responds into the contracted area of Boronda through an agreement with MCRFD. Fire station 2 also houses a reserve fire engine.

Fun Facts: 

  • Is the oldest station in the city 
  • Is big enough to only house a three-person fire engine 
  • In 2023, responded to 3,192 calls for service 


Fire Station 3 

Located at 827 Abbott Place, Fire Station 3 was opened in 1957 and is home to the Division of Training. All SFD recruit fire academies are held on sight at station 3.  Also, California State Fire Marshal training classes have been held at the training center.  The training grounds are comprised of a classroom, traditional concrete drill tower, and many other props that can simulate all of the activities involved in firefighting.  Roof props for ventilation, door props for forcible entry, props for breaching, and more.  SFD personnel have constructed many of the props on site. The Salinas Police Department uses the training center for tactical training and the Monterey Peninsula College Fire Academy uses it for their weekend drills. This station houses a three-person ALS engine company, which serves the southern district of the city. Also at this station is one reserve engine.

Fun Facts: 

  • The bell in front of the station was used to alert neighborhood firefighters from 1900 - 1923
  • Crews from this station responded to 2,140 calls for service 

Station 3    Station 3 a

Fire Station 4 

Protecting the Alisal District of Salinas, Fire Station 4 was opened in 1966 at 308 Williams Road and houses a three-person ALS engine company. Station 4 is the home of two unique vehicles. The first is the Dry Chemical Unit 5350, which responds to aircraft-related emergencies. The second is a retired 1972 American La France Engine. The engine was restored in 2000 and serves in parades throughout the county.

Fun Facts: 

  • In 1966, "The Alisal" was incorporated into the city and this is when this station was opened 
  • Is located on one of the busiest streets in the city 
  • This location used to house 2 Engine Companies until 2000 
  • In 2023, the crews from this station responded to 2,376 calls for service 
 Station 4    Station 4 1


Fire Station 5 

Opened in June 2000 at 1400 Rider Avenue, Fire Station 5 is the department's newest fire station and houses a three-person ALS engine company.  For an added level of service and protection Station 5 now houses a four-person ALS Ladder Truck.  This addition creates an added level of service and protection to not only the Northeast portion of the city, but to the city as a whole.  Station 5 covers the northeast district of Salinas along with Station 4. A Type III Wildland Apparatus is assigned to this station which is available for response within the city as well as on a Statewide Mutual Aid request.

Fun Fact: 

  • Station 5 was originally located on E Alvin Dr, but closed in 1981 
  • The new station was moved and reopened in 2000 
  • In 2023, the members of this fire station responded to 2,064 calls for service 
  • This station is equipped and staffed with a fire engine and a fire truck 

Station 5 New

Fire Station 6

Located at 45 East Bolivar St, Fire Station 6 houses a 3-person ALS engine company and protects the Santa Rita and Harden Ranch areas of Salinas. This engine also responds into the contract area of Bolsa Knolls, Country Club Meadows, and San Juan Estates through contract agreement with MCRFD.

Fun Facts: 

  • This small and cozy fire station is located on the North side of Salinas 
  • Fire Station 6 covers Hwy 101 from the North 
  • It also responds to contract areas 
  • In 2023, the crews from this fire station responded to 2,485 calls for service 