The training division oversees the following programs:
SWAT Tactical Paramedics
The Salinas Fire Department created the Tactical Paramedic program in 2014. The paramedics in this program provide medical support to the Salinas Police Department SWAT team during high-risk operations. This is in addition to their regular duty of responding to 9-1-1 calls for medical services on a fire engine. Tactical Paramedics have received specialized training and equipment which allows them to operate in law enforcement “Hot Zones”. By doing this, the paramedics can provide life-saving measures in faster response times during violent, or potentially violent, incidents. Examples of these types of calls include active shooter incidents, hostage situations, standoffs with barricaded suspects, and high-risk warrant services. Due to the nature of these incidents, Tactical Paramedics must remain in peak physical condition and regularly participate in advanced training.
Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Techs
In order to be prepared for winter weather events that involve fast moving bodies of water, the Salinas Fire Department has a team of 8 personnel that are trained to the Swiftwater Rescue Technician level. These personnel assist in the training of the department on flood and river rescue at the awareness level and are ready to respond if there is an emergency within the city limits involving persons or vehicles trapped in bodies of water in Salinas. The members attend annual training that better prepares the department for emergencies of this nature.

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and Peer Support Team
Over the last 20+ years, the fire service has made progress in recognizing the effects that exposure to significant events can have on firefighters' mental health and well-being. In 2008, the Salinas Fire Department took steps to implement a CISM Program with several members of the organization at that time. Since then, the team has evolved into a Peer Support based model utilizing the CISM component. Team members are trained at a minimum to the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) CISM course and the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Peer Support Class. There are currently 18 members on the team comprised of all ranks from Firefighters to Battalion Chiefs who any member of the department can reach out to at any given time. In addition to this, the department contracts with First Alarm Wellness to provide informational classes and therapy to all members of the department and partners with Human Resources to make sure that city sponsored EPA is always available.
Crisis Response K9 Program
In 2022, the department’s first Therapy K9, Cruz, was welcomed into the department! He is the first “badged” four-legged member of the Salinas Fire Department and works as a component of the CISM/Peer Support Team. Cruz has a primary handler and a back-up handler, and their job is to provide K9 therapeutically services for firefighters after traumatic events and/or on an everyday basis to relieve stress of the members of the organization. Check out his social media and give him a follow! cruz_salinasfd_facilityk9.
Coming soon....the Salinas Fire Department is currently in the process of obtaining a second K9! Check back in November for updates!
Fire Explorers Post #202
In February 2023, the first Explorer meeting in 20+ years was held with 15 new Explorers! The Explorer program is designed to give teenagers and young adults, aged 14-20, an opportunity to explore a career in the fire service. Explorers attend one monthly meeting on Sunday afternoons and are allowed to do a select number of ride-a-longs per year. They learn the basics of the fire service that includes, but is not limited to, fire service history, hose lays, ladder throws, extinguishers, and more. Explorers also volunteer their time at department sponsored events to assist where needed.
Tractor/Tiller Cadre
The Salinas Fire Department has two front-line tractor driven tiller ladder trucks: Ladder 1 and Ladder 2. L1 was put in service in 2014 and is located at Fire Station One. L2 first saw service in 2017 and is stationed at Fire Station Five. Other names for this apparatus are “truck companies” or “hook and ladder companies.” This is a specialized piece of equipment that requires countless hours driving in both the tractor position (front) and the tiller box (rear). This cadre consists of 8 individuals that are certified trainers and teach our firefighters from the time they are off probation how to operate this piece of equipment. All members of the fire department (except those firefighters that are in their 18-month probation periods) are trained to this level and standard. Techniques taught also include the positioning (spotting) of the apparatus for various emergencies, I.e., rescues, defensive fire operations, aerial ladder operations, etc.
Recruitment Task Force
Formed in 2022, this group is responsible for the recruitment of firefighters and the education of our local school children. The group participates in multiple school events and career fairs per year at all levels from elementary to college. It is important to instill into children from a young age that becoming a firefighter can be a reality if they would like to pursue the profession. These members work diligently to reach out and educate our community on the importance of firefighting and fire prevention as well as education about how to become a firefighter. If you have any interest in pursuing a career in the fire service and have questions pertaining to this, then email with your questions and a member of the cadre will be happy to answer them.
State Certified Instructors
Several members of the department are trained to the level of Instructor 1 through the State Fire Marshall's Office (OSFM). These members can host classes and train firefighters from around the state to the California State Fire Training curriculum. These topics include Hazardous Materials FRA and FRO, RIC and Firefighter Survival, Driver Operator 1A, Driver Operator 1B, ICS and more.