Citywide Sidewalk Project Phase 1

  • Project scheduleConstruction Completion: February 2024

Project Location

The Citywide Sidewalk Project Phase 1(PDF, 3MB) includes demolishing sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveways, and trees; planting new trees; fixing sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and ramps; excavating and disposing of materials; controlling traffic and erosion; and making other specified improvements. Specific locations we targeted were (refer to exhibit for specific location Information.) 

Project Background/Overview

On November 16, 2021, City Council approved appropriating the ARPA funds to the government services identified under the Salinas Recovery Plan. City Council appropriated funds into Public Infrastructure which includes sidewalk repairs, street repair, and traffic safety. The Citywide Sidewalk Repair Project project is a continuation of the City’s effort to repair and/or rehabilitate miscellaneous street-related work in areas that are deteriorated, damaged, in need of repair, and/or make improvements to meet current state or federal ADA requirements. The project scope of work includes but is not limited to removal and replacement of damaged concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approaches; grinding of sidewalk offsets, installation of ADA-compliant pedestrian curb ramps, pruning of tree roots required for concrete repairs, removal of unstable street trees, and planting new street trees.