Development Engineering
The Development Engineering Division:
- Performs plan reviews and inspections to verify that site work, grading, and drainage systems are built in compliance with applicable codes and laws, rendering them safe and accessible upon completion of construction.
- Calculates development impact fees for development projects.
- Provides assistance to the City Engineer in implementing floodplain management.
- Issues Encroachment Permits for activities in the public right of way.
- Coordinates with applicants to assign or modify site addressing.
- Provides development-related implementation and enforcement of NPDES storm water permit requirements.
- Manages the Street Vendor Program.
For information on the current service fees see the City Wide Fee Schedule (FY23-24)(PDF, 356KB).
Encroachment Permits
The City of Salinas requires anyone working in the City right-of-way to apply for an encroachment permit before starting work.
Interested in creating an outdoor eating experience for your clientele. Our Sidewalk Cafe program can help you.
Grading and Drainage Permits
Any project moving 50 cubic yards of soil, whether import, export, cut or fill, is required to obtain a grading permit.
Development Impact Fees
Every person who constructs buildings shall pay a development fee in accordance with the adopted resolution by the City Council. The attached worksheets were prepared to assist developers in estimating their development fees.
To determine City trip rates, please refer to Table V of the Traffic Improvement Program (2010).(PDF, 41MB)
Stormwater Quality (SWQ) Permit
Any project adding or replacing 2500 SF of impervious (building, concrete, pavement, etc.) surface must obtain a stormwater quality permit. Applicants must arrange a pre-application meeting with the City of Salinas Development Engineering Section (831-758-7251 option 2) prior to submitting formal applications for permits, to obtain a preliminary project review. This process is mandated by the City of Salinas NPDES Permit to ensure all projects have been designed in accordance with the City of Salinas Stormwater Development Standards (SWDS) and incorporate Low Impact Development features and utilize Construction and Post-Construction Best Management Practices in compliance with the SWDS.
The Central Coast Waterboard has updated the City of Salinas NPDES Permit requirements. Please see attached document for further information on updated permit and review the document titled "Post-Construction Stormwater Management Requirements" for additional specifications.
NPDES Permit Requirments Order R3-2019-0073(PDF, 875KB)
Stormwater Development Standards- Downloadable Documents
Contact Permit Center Engineering at (831)758-7251 (option 2) for native format files
Stormwater Standard Plans (SWSP)
Stormwater Standard Plans were prepared by the Salinas Permit Center, Community and Economic Development, and Public Works Departments, based on the Low Impact Development Initiative (LIDI) Standard Details, and City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual Typical Details. They are to be used in conjunction with the latest edition of the City of Salinas Stormwater Development Standards (SWDS) and the latest edition of the City of Salinas Standard Specifications, Design Standards, and Standard Plans.
Designers must consult with their project geotechnical and civil engineer for review and use of these Standard Plans, clearances to structures, need for/extent of liners, subdrains, storm drain connections and similar appurtenances. Regardless of site infiltration rate, all projects will be required to filter stormwater on site using biofiltration methods (Post-Construction Best Management Practices or PCBMPs), with infiltration through underlying soils being the preferred method. Every effort shall be made, to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP), to infiltrate stormwater on site unless alternative means are approved in accordance with the City’s NPDES Permit requirements.
PDFs of signed SWSPs should be used for plan submittal.
Note: All .dwg files are AutoCAD and need to be opened with AutoCAD to be accessible.
NPDES Compliance
Every construction project regardless of size or scope is required to follow the EPA's water pollution regulations. The following are helpful Best Management Practice (BMP) brochures and checklists that can be used to aid you in the construction of your project. Project that disturb an acre of land or more are required to obtain a Construction General Permit through the California Water Resources Control Board.
BMP Brochures:
- Fresh Concrete & Mortar Application(PDF, 109KB)
- General Construction & Site Supervision(PDF, 95KB)
- General NPDES(PDF, 160KB)
- Heavy Equipment & Earthmoving Activities(PDF, 92KB)
- Home Repair & Remodeling(PDF, 83KB)
- Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination(PDF, 450KB)
- Landscaping, Gardening, & Pest Control(PDF, 85KB)
- Painting(PDF, 60KB)
- Replacing Lawns & Pools & Reconstructing Landscaping(PDF, 421KB)
- Roadwork & Paving(PDF, 93KB)